About ImageProcess

ImageProcess is a graphical interface to manipulate images. The programming language is Python and wxPython is used as GUI.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) and is hosted by SourceForge.

Working environments

ImageProcess should work on every platform where Python and wxPython is running.

The current version of ImageProcess was tested in the following environments:

  1. Win98/2000/XP, Python 2.3, wxPython for Python 2.3, omniORBpy-2.3
  2. Debian GNU/Linux 3.0, Python 2.3.3, wxPython, omniORBpy-2.0

Future plans

The project is in development state. The next big development steps are:

  • integrate new image processing algorithms
  • integrate stereological measurements
  • implement a fast image processing server using C++. The ImageProcess application will communicate with the image processing server using the CORBA technology.
  • saving the information in a distributed database


If you need some new features or if you have new ideas, comments, questions or suggestions or if you want to contribute to the project feel free to send me an email at titusache@yahoo.com or use the project's site at http://sourceforge.net/projects/imageprocess/.

Last change: $Date: 2004/06/23 08:25:19 $
Copyright © 2002-2004 Titus Moldovan